Wednesday, August 24, 2016

8/11-8/24-------New Post

Hello Everyone!

I have an update for you all. I had hoped to update weekly but I have been very busy, so I am compiling two weeks worth of information into this post.

First off I would like to include a food journal from the past two weeks for everyone then a small health update before I get into anything else.

B: Muesli with Almond milk
D: Grilled cheese and tomato soup
* I did not eat lunch and I went to the store in the morning

B: Bagel with cream cheese
D: Two salami sandwiches and a salad
* I did not east lunch

B: Bagel with cream cheese
D:Veggie spring rolls x3
*I did not eat lunch

B: Avocado toast
D: Homemade Cheese pizza
*I did not eat lunch

B: Bagel with cream cheese
D: Pizza grilled sandwich
*I did not eat lunch

B: Bagel with cream cheese
D: Grilled cheese and tomato soup
*I did not eat lunch

B: Bagel with cream cheese
L: Veggie wraps
D: Nachos

B: Bagel with cream cheese
D: Pulled pork sandwich, Italian pasta salad and potato salad
* I did not eat lunch

B: Bagel with cream cheese
L: Egg, spinach and mushroom sandwich
D:Hamburger, chips, and watermelon

D: Chicken nuggets and butter&herb pasta

L: Apples and chex mix
D:Hotdog, baked beans and cookie

B: Smoothie
L: Bar and fruit pouch
D: Mashed potatoes, saurkraut, peas, and beets. With a side of carrots and celery

L: PB&J/Banana tortilla roll up, celery and carrots and apple with almond butter
D: Chicken sandwich and fries from Burger king
* Later I ate a small helping of leftovers from previous nights dinner

L: Bar and fruit pouch
D: Mashed potatoes, saurkraut, peas and beets. With a side of carrots and celery.

So as you can see for about a week I wasnt eating lunch, however I am getting better at that. My diet has steadly gotten better in regards to making sure I am eating enough, because I wasnt eating alot when I first got to Illinois. I just wasnt hungry. I have started making a meal plan for each week and been sticking to eat fairly well. I switch up the weeks where for one week I allow a source of meat and cheese everyday and then I switch to mainly plant based meals. I will be doing this from now on as much as a can. I have been walking almost everyday since about a month ago, with walking to campus for class, events or walking to the bus station to go to the store. I am hoping to intergrate a fitness class once my body gets used to waking so much. It is an average of 2 and 1/2 miles walking for me everyday.

So after all that I would like to update everyone on my school stuff.

I went to many events from 8/17 to 8/21 that my campus was holding for new incoming student and I had a lot of fun!!

I also started classes on 8/22 and so far I like them.

If you didnt already know I came into ISU planning a double major in Anthropology and History. Well I got rid of my second major in History and switched to a minor in East Asian Studies, went fits me alot better.

Well that is all for now, I will make sure to try and update once a week but it may take me as much as two weeks for updates!

Thanks for reading!!!!

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

New Blog!

Hello Everyone!

As some of you may know I used to have two different blogs that I updated on a weekly and monthly bases, one which was my weight loss journey and the other a basic everyday blog. Well in an effort to keep everything in one place I have decided to combine the two into ONE blog! So from now on you can get to my blog from my Facebook page if you are a friend or family member. This blog will feature many things including: health, fitness, organization, and college life. I will try and update at least every week.